Links to all my free community uploaded models (Non to be used for commercial use, Personal only)
My Patreon where you can get all my STL Miniatures Packs I have released (See everything you get on the Album link to the right)
Photo Album
Gallery of all the miniature packs included in my Patreon
Facebook Group
The BigMrTong Facebook Group where I share news and you can share prints and paints of my models
Cults 3D
Cults 3D hosts a automated mirror of all my Thingiverse upload in case of issue or error
My Youtube Channel with Renders and Videos of some of my models and work
I sometimes sell my personal physical sculpts, prints & prototypes on eBay
Space Denizens​
The original Sci-Fi Space minis from the 80's by Chub Pearson
Mercenary's and adventurers Officer & Special Weapons
Mercenary's and adventurers Soldiers
Mercenary's and adventurers APC / Tank Kit
Mercenary's and adventurers with APC / Tank Kit Complete Set
15 Human Mercenary's and APC / Tank Kit Complete Set
Complete Dastardly Merchant Set
Denizens Miniature Pocket Wargame - www.spacedenizens.com
Dastardly Merchant with Helmet Off - 28mm Miniature
10 x Spacefaring Marines & Emperor Miniatures Set
5 x 28mm Oldhammer Undead Space Skeletons
"Metal" Armoured Chevy Model Kit - 20mm / 1:64 Scale
The Soldiers of Pippin Fort - 10 28mm Figures and Cannon
10 x Asthmatic Privateer Miniatures Set